— October 17, 2018

  1. General Updates
    1. Social Purpose strategy is divided into Crawl/Walk/Run
    2. We are finalizing the development stage of our Walk (2019-2020) plan
      • We’ve engaged with Social Purpose leaders across FSV to obtain their input on our Walk Phase plans
      • We’re socializing our plans with company leaders to gain consensus

Walk (FirstService Corporation)

  • Continuous delivery and refinement of Crawl Phase initiatives
  • Launch and communicate the three segments of Social Purpose
  • Support annual Social Purpose planning at the brand/company level
  • Develop and launch Social Media strategy
  • Create turn-key Social Purpose campaigns/contests with supporting materials
  • Further develop the #FirstServeOthers brand, introduce branding guidelines and create collateral to support
  • Define and optimize comprehensive communications strategy for internal and external audiences
  • Create annual Social Purpose self-assessment for utilization at the brand level
  • Create internal Social Purpose three year summary


  • Continuous refinement of Crawl Phase initiatives
  • Complete Social Purpose self-assessment
  • Form cross-functional Social Purpose team tasked with developing plan aligned with the three segments of Social Purpose
  • Develop and launch a Social Purpose Marketing strategy that includes web, social media and public relations, including distribution of the FirstService generated content (i.e. Spotlight newsletter)
  • Embed Social Purpose messaging in company communications
  • Support the capture of agreed upon key metrics
  • Ongoing engagement with Social Purpose champions throughout the organization
2. FirstService Relief Fund update

a. Relief Fund Grant Stories

  • Three stories have been drafted; one from Cal Closets  and one from Century Fire that are posted to the SP site.  A third story from FirstService Residential is scheduled to be shared soon
  • YTD 17 grants have been awarded
  • In October, the next quarterly Relief Fund report will be published.

b. Relief Fund Donations

3.  Newsletter
  • We are finalizing our next Spotlight issue set to launch by the first week in November
  • As always we welcome story ideas for future issues
4. Best Practice Sharing
  • Last month we shared new materials that were added to Social Purpose Tools area. If you need source files to make edits to them ask Jennifer.
  • NEW: Message Forum on Social Purpose Site –
  • Call to Action: We suggest you print the Fully Optimized Calendar Event Example and the Event Checklist so you have them handy next time you post an event to the Calendar.  Also, please share your communication materials or any other processes you consider a best practice with Jennifer Kennedy so we can add them to the Tools area. You are encouraged you to share any of our tools with your marketing teams and event organizers, as warranted

  Summary of Calls to Action:
  • Please look toward completing outstanding launch activities including:
    1. Relief Fund – Develop payroll deduction launch plan
    2. Visit the Social Purpose message forum and engage in conversations or post new ones
    3. Share SP related communications or content pieces in the Forum
  • If you haven’t already done so, please consider signing up for regular payroll deductions to the Fund. No amount is too small, and every dollar makes a difference!