Random Acts of Kindness Bingo Sparks Friendly Competition Among Team Members

From l to r: Gillian Young, Stephanie Cheung, Ali Abdullah, Abel Juarez

We introduced Random Acts of Kindness Bingo as a fun initiative to inspire our teams to contribute to their communities this summer. Completing every box can be quite a challenge for one person alone. So, if you’re finding it tough to check all the boxes, why not join forces with your colleagues to see how many you can collectively accomplish? At our corporate office in Toronto, we put this idea into action by forming teams of 4 or 5 individuals. We engaged in friendly competition to determine which team could complete all the boxes first. And the moment of truth has arrived…and the winner was the Compliance team, comprised of Abel Juarez, Ali Abdullah, Stephanie Cheung and Gillian Young.

Here’s what they had to say about the experience:

Stephanie Cheung, Manager, Compliance and Risk Management

Showing gratitude to my son’s daycare teacher:  Since I enrolled my son in daycare four months ago, I have developed a newfound appreciation for early childhood educators. Recently, when we learned that our child’s favorite teacher was relocating to another province, we were heartbroken. To express our gratitude for her hard work and dedication, we decided to present her with a small gift. This was the first time I had ever done something like this, and it made me realize how much these teachers deserve our appreciation.

Donating my son’s toys to families with young children: Most of the toys we have at home were given to us by friends whose children had outgrown them. This summer, we decided to pay it forward by donating my son’s walker and activity table to two families in our community. By passing on these toys to other young children, we hope to extend their life and bring joy to others. This act of kindness also provides an opportunity for our children to learn the value of giving back and sharing with others.

Gillian Young, Executive Assistant

  • I liked working with others in a team to get the bingo card filled. It made it a lot easier to think of ideas
  • Summer of Service gave me a reason to finally purge my clothes and books to donate to Value Village (7 bags of clothes and 2 boxes of books)
  • I put some effort into meeting my neighbours (instead of just walking on by) when I helped some bring their groceries into the elevator and up to their apartment

  • It made me feel good to give one of my blankets, instead of selling on my website, to my daughter’s elderly neighbor (she is always leaving home made food at my daughter’s door).

Abel Juarez, SVP, Compliance and Risk Management

What I liked about the Bingo activity is that it pushed us to find additional kindness acts to do. The competition factor made it a win-win situation as the highly competitive teams at corporate office tried to check their boxes as fast as possible.

Personally, it allowed me to meet new neighbors, to contribute to the environmental activities at some of our subsidiaries, and to spend time with my kids. Looking forward to defending our undisputed championship of the world next year!