FirstService Relief Fund Resources

We are pleased to make available a suite of resources to help increase awareness and broaden understanding of the FirstService Relief Fund. Feel free to download and use these materials in meetings and throughout your offices to ensure the Relief Fund is top of mind for those in need of assistance. You may also distribute the flyers via email to those working remotely. If you’d like the source files so you can modify these materials with your own branding, email Jennifer Kennedy (

These resources include:

FirstService Relief Fund Awareness Resources

Relief Fund Awareness Flyer

Relief Fund Awareness Poster

Relief Fund Awareness Flyer


3 Ways to Donate Poster

3 Ways to Donate Flyer

Deduct a dollar help a colleague

Help a Colleague Poster

Help a Colleague Flyer

FirstService Relief Fund Education Materials

These FAQs are helpful for anyone who may be in need of a grant now, or in the future.

FirstService Relief Fund Application FAQs

Reviewing this handy checklist before applying for a grant helps ensure applicants understand eligibility and what’s required when submitting their application. This can simplify and streamline the process, and ensure needed funds are provided as quickly as possible.

Application Checklist & Process Overview

This presentation is useful when onboarding new hires or as a refresher for existing team members.

Employee Introduction and Overview image

Employee Introduction to the FirstService Relief Fund

For more Social Purpose collateral materials, please visit our Resource Center.