What’s Next for Social Purpose

word cloud with service messagesWe launched our Social Purpose in 2018 as a way to capture and share all of the amazing things our teams do to support our people, our community and our environment. In that time, we have performed thousands of acts of service to positively impact the communities where we live, work and play.

As we enter our 6th year of Social Purpose – which we call our RUN phase — we decided to take a different approach, one that we believe will create more opportunities to engage in causes meaningful to our teams and galvanize them to have an even greater impact than ever before!

We have established Working Groups, each of which will have its own mission, objectives and goals. These Working Groups are comprised of people who have volunteered to explore and develop opportunities related to the focus of that particular group. These Working Groups were created based on feedback from our Social Purpose Champions, Steering Committee members and from information gathered during team member surveys.

For 2023, our collective Social Purpose priorities are:

Employer of Choice / Best Place to Work

Focus: What are things we can do to enhance the experiences of our team members? How can we positively impact team member retention and what can we improve upon to attract top talent in a competitive job market?

PawsFirst — a Social Purpose group for pet lovers

Focus: How can we do to support our colleagues who are engaged in animal welfare? How can we help homeless pets in our communities? 

Social Purpose Awareness + Engagement

Focus: This working group will recommend and develop strategies and tactics to boost awareness of Social Purpose to new hires and more seasoned team members. How can we reach off-site and front line teams with Social Purpose opportunities?

How do we ensure utilization of existing tools/resources such as the Event Calendar and Toolkits? What are things we can do to promote usage of the #FirstServeOthers tag? How do make it easy for teams to launch Social Purpose activities within their organizations?

Seasons of Service

Focus: Do we expand and create more coordinated efforts such as Summer of Service? What should we stop/start/continue? Do we expand to other seasons, i.e. Winter of Service? What would that look like?

These Working Groups aren’t intended to take the place of any existing or planned initiatives, and our teams are encouraged to continue creating Social Purpose activities of their choosing. It is our hope that these Working Groups will generate new ideas our teams can choose from as they define their Social Purpose activity calendars.

We are excited to see how these talented groups bring these concepts to life! Look for ideas and updates in future issues of Spotlight, and if you’d like to join any of these groups, drop us a note at socialpurpose@firstservice.com.